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Dog breeds for the apartment

Hunderassen für die Wohnung

Who decides for the acquisition of a dog, should not only be sure that he can spend enough time for the four-legged friend. In addition, it is at least as important to choose the suitable dog breed.

One aspect, which you should consider thereby absolutely, is your housing situation. After all, not everyone lives in a large house with its own garden in which the dog can romp around. In this article, we will introduce you to some breeds of dogs that are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Characteristics that dog breeds should have for the home

It is naturally obvious to think first of all of small dog breeds when keeping flats. But even if a shepherd dog or a Newfoundlander is not suitable for keeping in a small apartment, the size is not the only criterion that has to be considered when buying a dog.

After all, there are also somewhat larger breeds that have a cosy nature and a low urge to move, while some small dog breeds prefer to be challenged for hours.

Beside the suitable size, dog breeds for apartments should have the following characteristics:

  • No pronounced tendency to bark
  • A balanced temperament
  • A manageable urge to move

Overview of suitable dog breeds for the home


A manageable amount of space does not necessarily mean that you do not have to purchase a dog. Because there are also numerous dog breeds for keeping in a small apartment, from which you can choose.

Among the most popular dog breeds for apartments are the following:

  • Chihuahua
  • French Bulldog
  • Pug
  • Bichon Frisé
  • Poodle
  • Dachshunds
  • Havanese
  • English Bulldog
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Yorkshire Terrier


The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world and is therefore perfect for keeping in an apartment. The handy animals convince with a lovable nature and are surprisingly courageous despite their small body size.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a classic companion dog that has long enjoyed great popularity. Since French Bulldogs don't need much exercise, the breed is ideal for keeping indoors.


The pug can look back on a long history and has always been bred as a pure fashion dog. The urge to move of the four-legged friends with the characteristic folds in the face is manageable, so that nothing speaks against the attitude in an apartment.

Bichon Frisé

The Bichon Frisé reaches a maximum shoulder height of 30 centimetres. The breed is considered to be lively, but at the same time it is good and obedient. If you are looking for a dog to keep at home, the Bichon Frisé is definitely a good choice.


The poodle is a classic companion dog and companion dog. The four-legged friends are extremely intelligent and able to learn. In addition, they do not lose any hair, which for one or other future owner certainly also represents a plus point when choosing an apartment dog.


Although the dachshund was originally bred for hunting, this breed is well suited for keeping in an apartment. This is mainly due to their low height. However, owners of a dachshund should make sure that their four-legged friend can move sufficiently outdoors.


The Havanese is another breed of dog that is well suited for keeping in a small apartment. Because the animals only reach a shoulder height of about 25 centimeters. Their urge to move is limited and they build up a very close relationship with their owners.

English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is without doubt one of the laziest and most comfortable dogs ever. Even if this circumstance is certainly partly caused by physical restrictions due to breeding, the dog breed is therefore perfectly suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel reaches a shoulder height of just over 30 centimetres. The small quadrupeds are considered adaptable, friendly and obedient. In combination with the small size this makes the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel the ideal dog breed for small apartments.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is small and doesn't need too much exercise. For this reason, this breed also feels at home in a small apartment. Nevertheless, the Yorkshire Terrier, which has a very self-confident character, needs a consistent upbringing.

Caution with apartment dogs and stairs

Bones capsules

One aspect that is often overlooked when keeping dogs indoors is the risk of stair climbing for the animals. While stairs are not a problem for us, they are a great strain for the locomotor system of dogs.

Frequent climbing of stairs can lead to an excessive wear of the joints and limit the mobility of the affected quadruped increasingly. This is especially true for young animals, whose joints are not yet fully developed, but also for adult animals.

If you do not live on the ground floor or if there is an elevator, it may be advisable to carry the dog on the stairs. This may sound exaggerated, but it helps to avoid painful joint diseases.

In addition, we recommend a dietary supplement with Bellfor Joints & Bones if needed. This natural preparation provides your dog with the ideal combination of active ingredients to ensure an optimal supply of nutrients to the joints.

Proper nutrition for dogs in the home

There is a lot to consider when feeding dogs. In addition to factors such as age and weight, the level of activity is particularly important.

Household dogs often move relatively little and therefore have a relatively low energy requirement. Nevertheless, it is important to provide them with all important nutrients in the right amount.

Bellfor's favourite menu is particularly successful. The high-quality wet food consists exclusively of natural ingredients and is very well tolerated. Since wet food has a lower energy density than dry food, the portions are large enough to satisfy your four-legged friend with fewer calories.

The Bellfor nutrition concept supports you in feeding your pet in a species-appropriate way and also offers suitable solutions for the needs-based nutrition of your pet dog.

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